- I want a way of staying in relationship with people at work and at home, even when we are in conflict
- I want to change my life and how I do things
- I want a framework for working together effectively
- I want to understand more about Oasis
The open programme Skills for Change offers you all this and more! This introduction to the Oasis Seven Stage Model for Effective Relationships is a great opportunity to develop a dynamic framework and to practice using it for real in a stimulating and experiential learning environment.
What’s it all about?
When I first joined Oasis as a core associate, the model really came to life for me, helping me make sense of the work and the people I am working with. Looking back, I see important milestones in building real relationships based on trust and mutual commitment; making clear agreements; holding each other to account and delivering on the choices we made. It gives direction when embarking on a new project or relationship. It provides a framework for consciously creating the most effective environment and conditions for success, both individually and in collaboration with others.
When I’m meeting new clients, agreeing priorities and stepping into the work, the model offers an invaluable road-map. It helps us pay attention to what we are doing, what we hope to achieve and where we are in our relationship, secure in the knowledge that we are both/all committed to the contract we have agreed; and that we can trust each other to stay in and find a way through, even when its tricky. Through attending to our relationship and locating ourselves via the 7 C’s of the model, we find creative ways and resources to develop further and deeper than we first thought possible.
[blockquote line1=”We’re Going On A Bear Hunt” line2=”Michael Rosen”]
We can’t go round it. We can’t go under it. We have to go through it.
In difficult, overwhelming or complex situations, the Oasis Seven Stage Model helps us to locate ourselves, and others, and to navigate useful ‘next steps’ when there may be no easy answers. This works for me in everyday relationships with friends, family and even my husband! We work out our joint wishes and commitments and stick to them – and talk about them when we can’t, don’t or just don’t want to! Do we sit with the 7 stage model in front of us? Not really – with some practice, it becomes part of the way we work and its naturalness becomes part of us.
If you want to learn more about this model and use it to develop your relationships and make effective changes in your work and life, please join us. Working with the identified needs of the group, we will introduce you to the 7 C’s and how they work together. You will work with others to explore your own style and themes, practising the skills and reviewing the results to secure your learning and consolidate the changes you are looking to make.