An accessible introduction to the Oasis Seven Stage Model for effective working relationships. Hard copy in the download button and Audio Book in the link button.
PEERworks is a practical and informative guide to new ways of working that help distribute power and share decision making.
Highlighting the necessity for connecting with each other in ways that make a difference – ways that allow the soul to flourish – exploring effective oneness, moving from ‘I’ to ‘we’ and the global dimension.
We are in a time of fundamental change and the future remains uncertain. This guide is designed to help shape a workplace fit for the future.
Is the future flexible? What do managers and employees need in the new world of work? Download this research report to find out what’s working, and what else is needed for your employees to thrive.
Recognising and understanding your temperament can help you understand yourself and enable you to work out your questions and development needs.
An important resource tool for change agents and consultants working with organisational development from a human relations perspective.
Free download of the Oasis Approach to Organisational Development.
A comprehensive resource for anyone who is a member of a team: exploring team development processes, individual and group needs, intra-team dynamics and the impact on the whole organisation.
Whole Person Learning addresses issues of globally responsible practice, leadership and practice in organisations; the value of this new paradigm in the business world and the Whole Person Learning perspective.
Exploring the Transformational Impact of a Whole Person Learning Approach to Coaching and Mentoring
A process guide to authentic collaboration in contemporary forms of leadership. Available to buy, with a preview available for download. Please contact us if you would like to purchase this publication
The GRLI Call for Action aims at re-enforcing the strengths of our entrepreneurial system while correcting its defects and financial excesses.
Key recommendations for the development of globally responsible leaders by the companies, business schools and centres for leadership learning that make up the Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative.
Whole Person Learning is a radical and innovative approach to relationships. Learning for Tomorrow highlights the need for such a new paradigm and explores the implications of a Whole Person perspective. Available to buy, with preview to download. If you would like to purchase this publication please contact us
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