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School of Thought. Body of Practice. Space for Learning.

About Oasis

Programmes. Resilience, Adaptability and Wellbeing. Coach training. Organisational Development.
Leadership Development. Practitioner Development. Find a coach. Coach Supervision. Oasis Press.

Whether you need support as an individual, a team, or an organisation,
we are all about relationships, and that starts with us and you.
Enquire today about our human relations services.

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Our human relations services work in partnership to help people and organisations to thrive in a complex, fast-changing world. We have a global reputation as creative, accessible, and challenging practitioners who are experts in creating health and wellness in the workplace.

Take a pioneering whole-person approach to learning and leadership at our centre.

Focus on relationships.

Work with real people in real organisations to make a positive lasting impact, supporting and challenging them to realise their full potential.

Have a proven track record with over 30 years of human relations services experience. Working across sectors including business, education, health and social care, housing, local government, the arts, and charities.

Offer organisational development, consultancy, development programmes, training, employee counselling services and one-to-one executive development, as well as resilience and wellbeing support.

Are a learning community, and so we surround ourselves with bright, curious people, and organisations so that we can learn from each other and pioneer new ways of working and living.


Can contact us here if you are an organisation looking for support. Organisations are an amazing blend of people, systems and the relationships between them. When conscious change is called for, such as creating health and wellness in the workplace, we go beyond the obvious to enable enduring development.

Can contact us here if you need support to develop your own leadership or that of the leaders in your business. We work with individuals leading at all levels, whether they’re starting out, new into a role or have been at the senior board level for some time.

Can contact us here if you work as a practitioner who has responsibility for helping others to develop and would like to work with us. If you are working as a facilitator, coach, consultant or supervisor we can offer everything you need at every stage of your development.

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Whole Person Working

We partner with a number of global organisations, companies, business schools and
centres of learning to lead on developmental work which champions working, leading,
and living in a sustainable way.

Client Stories

Angela Lockwood

Oasis’ human relations services has a global reputation as creative, accessible and challenging which helps people and organisations thrive through change. We are committed to making a positive difference to people and planet in the work we do. We equip our clients with the skills, beliefs and attitudes to create a sustainable future for all. Find out more about the impact of our work with Bettys & Taylors Group, North Star Housing Group, and more.

School of Thought. Body of Practice. Space for Learning

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Working with the Shadow

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Oasis Foundation: Looking to the Margins for Seeds of Change

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Oasis Foundation: Ecologies of Community

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