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Deans as Catalysts of Change

participants at Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative meeting

Senior leaders of forward-thinking and outward-facing learning institutions work with increasingly competing internal and external priorities. Not least the paradoxes and possibilities associated with developing a global perspective and implementing responsibility in leadership and practice.

Alongside this there is the management of the ever-demanding cycle of transformational change required by learning and education fit for the 21st century.

Oasis Associate Director Claire Maxwell will be co-facilitating a collaboratory of deans and directors acting as catalysts of change. It is supported by the Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative, an EFMD, AACSB International and UN Global Compact strategic partnership inclusive of the PRME. It will be an innovative, pioneering and action-oriented co-learning opportunity for senior leaders in the fields of management, higher education and organisational learning.

Starting October 2017, the collaboratory is recruiting now. More information is available from the GRLI.