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RAW Network News

RAW Resilience and Wellbeing Network

Alpaca is a professional service company with a difference. Based in Leeds, they bring together legal, financial, consultancy and people services all under one roof. Find out more about them here: www.alpaca.uk.com

Leeds Jewish Housing Association (LJHA) has a rich history stretching back to the 1950s. They have almost 500 properties in Leeds, providing homes for single people, families, older people and shared ownership, and are focused predominantly on the needs of the local Jewish community. Find out more about them here: www.ljha.co.uk.

Bettys & Taylors Group is a Yorkshire family business that operates the six Bettys Café Tea Rooms, and is the home of Yorkshire Tea, Taylors Coffee and Speciality Teas. Find out more about them here: www.bettysandtaylors.co.uk

Bettys & Taylors Group

Welcome to all of our new members. We look forward to seeing some of you at the next network forum meeting on March 5th.

View the RAW Network Booklet.