Social Action Inquiry 2021

A three year initiative with a threefold ambition.

Prefigurative Social Action Inquiry


This three year initiative has a threefold ambition:

  • To enable Social Action Inquiry Scotland to benefit from a rhythmical process engaging others in the wider system as critical friends to engender reflection and learning from their on-going experimental practice in the realm of prefigurative social action
  • To develop an informal learning community reflecting the voices of applied practitioners, pioneers, funders, researchers, social change agents and communicators. Such an approach may sustain itself beyond the life of the initiative, and if not as a group, a trusted network of practitioners and influencers.
  • To benefit the wider system by capturing and disseminating the direct and indirect learning that will arise from working together as peers inquiring into prefigurative social action using the activities of Social Action Inquiry Scotland as a vehicle to stimulate discovery and emergent thinking.

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