GRLI 2015 AGM (All Gathering Momentum)
Claire Maxwell, Oasis Co-Director and Chair of the Council of Partners, worked with a small group of experienced GRLI co-designers and facilitators drawn from the 60 partners to create and deliver an innovative approach to engaging and developing momentum for 70 global organisations.
The aim was to harness collective and clustered energies to influence initiatives as diverse as Shaping Business Leadership in Africa, Developing the Workplace of Tomorrow, Agenda 50+20, The Flourish Prizes and The Sustainability Literacy Test.
The approach challenged many, engaged many more and set the GRLI apart as a think-do tank where more is done than said.
The work of the GRLI continues to influence far beyond its size, and Oasis is thrilled to have been involved from the start of this initiative to develop the next generation of globally responsible leadership.
For over ten years we have been involved in the direction, facilitation and application of the actions and learning that have emerged, developing what’s best for the world, rather than trying to simply be the best in the world.
Workplace of Tomorrow Launched
The workplace of tomorrow research was also launched at the Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative (GRLI) conference in New York last month with an overwhelmingly positive and encouraging response.
There was a real energy amongst the participants and the initiative continues to go from strength to strength with new business schools joining the project and comparative research studies being developed in three new countries.
Oasis has been encouraged to expand the workplace of tomorrow to embrace the wider emerging questions faced by organisations, issues that go beyond the cultural and workplace questions.
Oasis is already redesigning longer open programmes to align with the needs of the companies and organisations of tomorrow. Not least of which is the call for a shift to leaderful behaviours that echo distributed leadership.
[file url=”” title=”Download your copy of the research.”]
UN Global Compact and PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education)
We have had the privilege of representing Whole Person Learning at the PRME event and the UN Global Compact.
Marking the UN Global Compact’s 15th anniversary, Global Compact +15 brought business and civil society to the United Nations Headquarters in New York to demonstrate how partnerships are taking action to advance societal priorities, with an emphasis on the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Oasis was an early signatory of the UN Global Compact which incorporates both PRME and GRLI.
We have been seeding new initiatives and developing GRLI partnership projects as well as hearing the latest thinking from Julia Christensen Hughes on the role of Business Schools and education in promoting a sustainable future, as well as inspirational contributions from Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Executive Director UN Global Compact, Georg Kell. They re-established a call for business to be a force for good.
Oasis mentors young global leaders
Oasis Core Associate Chris Taylor worked with oikos representatives and GRLI Young Ambassadors to offer workshops at the GRLI and PRME events.
The workshops were highly participative and engaging for Deans and faculties of business schools and executives of global businesses.
The work embraced the launch of COMMIT, a global initiative empowering students to impact on what and how they are taught. This work will continue at Global Forum of Climate Change 2016.