Oasis Press - A collection of publications written and/or commissioned by Oasis.

Age Reflections

We are delighted to be in partnership with Emeritus Publishing to create this collection of articles and journals on later phase working entitled AGE REFLECTIONS on the Substack sharing platform.

Age Reflections

Steps to an ecology of soul

Highlighting the necessity for connecting with each other in ways that make a difference – ways that allow the soul to flourish – exploring effective oneness, moving from ‘I’ to ‘we’ and the global dimension.

Steps to an ecology of soul

Peering into the future

Peer learning is effective, collaborative, relational and challenging.

Peering into the future

Whole Person Learning

Whole Person Learning addresses issues of globally responsible practice, leadership and practice in organisations; the value of this new paradigm in the business world and the Whole Person Learning perspective.

Whole Person Learning

The Globally Responsible Leader: A call for action

The GRLI Call for Action aims at re-enforcing the strengths of our entrepreneurial system while correcting its defects and financial excesses.

The Globally Responsible Leader

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