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The new currency meaning and economic story of our times

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This is the startling conclusion of newly published book, The Rise of the Meaningful Economy. It has been written by long-time Oasis friends and collaborators Mark Drewell and Björn Larsson.

Mark and Björn, respectively Senior Partner and CEO of The ForeSight Group, have deployed their considerable intellectual skills, networks and practical knowledge to discover a new currency meaning/narrative of our times.

“More people than ever before are seeking to live meaningful lives and expressing that in their economic decision-making. We are changing what we buy and from whom, how and where we work, what we do with our capital and how we design and run our organisations,” said Mark.

“While the search for meaning is nothing new, the Meaningful Economy is something new.”

The book describes how the Meaningful Economy is an emerging megatrend and a new lens through which companies and entrepreneurs can look to create value.

Björn said: “The Meaningful Economy is both an opportunity and a threat for business. The opportunity is to ask: How do we contribute to our employees, our customers and the people of the communities in which we operate leading more meaning-filled lives? The threat is that to ignore meaning, creates the risk of business models that are replaced by those that are more meaningful.”

A potent megatrend

Oasis’ own Nick Ellerby contributed to the development of the book. He said: “Resonating with our research into the workplace of tomorrow, this compelling and inspiring publication names a potent megatrend that, once named, we can see all around us. It provides the potential of a new currency for organisations and for individuals a more meaning-filled life.”

Already the book has received an endorsement from thought and practice leaders around the world. Richard Barrett, Chairman and Founder of the Barrett Values Centre and former Values Coordinator, World Bank, describes it as: “a must-read for everyone in business and politics.”

Canadian entrepreneur, champion of women in business and Founder of SheEO, Vicky Saunders, says it is “a guide to navigating the shift toward relationships over transactions which will dramatically transform our economy.”

The new currency meaning and changing how the economy functions and what it values

Mark and Björn conclude that for individuals, the Rise of the Meaningful Economy heralds the emergence of an economic system which supports ever more people living meaningful lives through their economic choices. For societies at large, it offers the potential for human progress and the accelerated achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

“The Meaningful Economy is a grass-roots development that is changing how the economy functions and what it values – from sharing to localism to new forms of business design, to new ways of working – it’s a quiet revolution in the making to which we should all pay attention,” said Mark.

The Rise of The Meaningful Economy is now available from Amazon.

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